Show HN: Hue Logs – A Minimal Log Monitoring Tool

4 points by harry247 20 hours ago

Hey Hackers,

I was building multiple projects lately, and integrating logging was way too much for me. Managing self hosted ELK stack, or using existing log monitoring services (running their agent was consuming hell of resources on my tiny servers). It took me a day to code my own logging server, and client for python projects (serving as python packages - pypi), named it HueLogs.

Sharing with you all, please feel free to contribute if you like. I might be adding a npm package for javascript client if I get chance to code tomorrow.

Few features too add: - 30 min, last day logs etc. - Beautify UI - Add steps in README to run it without docker

I am currently using Flask, up for the suggestions to make this lighter. Didn't profile it yet, assuming flask is light.

Cheers! Harman

harry247 4 hours ago

thanks for suggesting @yahasolutions. Dozzle looks good, and lightweight too. I will explore more

yashasolutions 20 hours ago

you should check dozzle. Collect logs from containers and display them in a browser.